How to make your time in storehouse easier? Invest in brand new lifting technologies. Others have already done that.

Polish logistics corporations and their warehouses are in that time, when they have to use a modern science achievements if they want to keep reputation in their type of industry. Of course, gigantic enterprises have new equipment for more urgent and advanced deals and orders and older, used machines for less money-making tasks. Tinier firms have to use only brand new devices to be competitive.


Autor: inplusPR

Lifting equipment is primary tool in all ports and high bay storehouses. Leading harbours in Poland like Port of Gdańsk or Port of Gdynia with Gdynia and Gdańsk shipyards and big storages in middle part of country are usingmany tools allowed to use by polish law. First of all are cranes. In daily use we have a few common types: overhead, mobile and fixed. First one is commonly used inside storages. It could be remotely operated by employee with permission.

It is supplied in a beam on which hook-and-line device is moving. Second is mobile crane. By definition, it could change workplace so it is commonly using outside. Last one is named fixed. They are the highest and can lift the heaviest freight. It is exploit outside because of its size. Second type of lifting equipment is gantry crane. Mostly used in ports and railway stations to loading and stowing shipments. First one was made of raw materials by Germans and located in Danzig (now it is polish town called Gdańsk) and it was built-it inside town walls. Nowadays gantry cranes are generally set with free place inside. Because of that they are called portal cranes.

Last one, used inside, are configured with storehouse ERP systems an automated storehouse and retrieval system. It is totally automatic and could be used to locating, retrieving and replacing items in horizontal and vertical route.

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With the highest standard of upgrate they can be used only in one way (only horizontal or vertical) or in a few routes at that same moment.

Without this tools loading and stowing massive tank ships can be absolutely so time-consuming and pricey. Investing in modern science achievements shall be the flagship piece in budgets of logistics corporations, storages and ports.